Please Read our Response
Comments regarding our CQC Inspection, December 22nd 2022, from “Good” to “Requires Improvement”
CQC Inspections are rightly challenging, but this unscheduled inspection, when we were actively preparing for the festive period seemed strangely timed.
For the past 25 years the Argyle has been classified as a ‘Good’ home and has proudly weathered the storm of Covid and any changes in operational policies that this caused. We would thus have welcomed a CQC visit during Covid and advice on new safety procedures, but no visit was forthcoming. Indeed, the previous CQC Inspection was June 2017!
Findings from the inspection process: –
Under Safe: Two of the Argyles ‘window restrictors’ were set a little above the regulated gap of 4 inches, so whilst the inspectors were at the Argyle, our handyman quickly set the restrictors correctly. Similarly, the ‘assisted bath’ was awaiting a safety weight check, the Bath Service Company came the next day and confirmed the baths setting complied with regulations.
Under Well Lead: The absence of a Governance Plan for Auditing the Audits, and a sequence to show where and when to find evidence was not explicit. This concern was also fully corrected within the week.
Numerous good findings at the Argyle from the Audit did not seem to count within the CQC’s conclusions of “Requires Improvement”. Similarly, the Argyle’s appeal against the new grading has so far gone unheard.
In conclusion, since the birth of the Argyle, more than a quarter of a century ago, our aim has always been to operate in a culture of continuous improvement, especially with regard to the motivation of staff, and the well being and safety of our residents. This overriding commitment to improvement continues unchanged.